The container train is a set of 7 bogie trucks carrying ISO containers, hauled by a main line goods locomotive. Its "home" is Portsmouth container depot, and will follow a similar cycle to the oil train: move to a hidden siding; run round the layout several times; then return. The operator will need to move the locomotive to the other end in the usual way. The local control panel is a key part of this process.

  1. Press "Reserve" on Portsmouth Yard so it reports "manual". This will prevent Traincontroller driving trains into the track you are using. 
  2. Use a throttle to select the locomotive that has just arrived.
  3. Check the containers have uncoupled. If not, shunt back over the magnets then pull forward again.
  4. Use the control panel to set the points to allow the loco to move to the track end.
  5. Drive the loco to the track end.
  6. Use the control panel to select a track running around the containers. 
  7. Start moving the loco past the containers.
  8. Use the control panel to select a path onto the exit road.
  9. Drive the loco onto the exit road & stop.
  10. Use the control panel to select a path to the front of the contained wagons.
  11. Drive the loco onto the container wagons, couple and stop. 
  12. Select the loco direction to be ready to leave the depot. 
  13. Deselect the loco from the throttle.
  14. Release the container yard back to automatic control by pressing "Reserve" again.
  15. If needed, press the button on the track holding the container train to make sure "allow entry/exit" is lit.
  16. Initiate a new schedule by pressing "container" in the "Request Schedules" section.


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